POISON VICTIM: The most recent barred owl arriving at Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society was a victim of rat poisoning, suffering the very same symptoms as its intended victim: dehydration, weakness, yellowing skin, collapse.
The poison is a blood thinner much like Warfarin, which is prescribed for humans with certain heart issues. A poisoned owl can quickly bleed to death.
After an efficient capture by Texada-based PROWLS volunteers, this beauty was sent to Orphan Wildlife Rehabilitation Society in Delta, who specialize in raptors.
The prognosis was not good, and, almost two months later, they are still working to get him flying and hunting.
The very creature the human wants to exterminate, the rat, is a favourite food of the barred owl. The owl eats the poisoned rat, and it is a slow, painful death for both of them, and whatever else eats the poison: other birds, voles, mice, garter snakes.
Please consider alternatives to poison.