PROWLS rescues northern flicker
A familiar spring sound is the northern flicker banging away on a metal house chimney; it is inevitable that one will eventually topple in. Powell… Read More »PROWLS rescues northern flicker
A familiar spring sound is the northern flicker banging away on a metal house chimney; it is inevitable that one will eventually topple in. Powell… Read More »PROWLS rescues northern flicker
TOILET TRAP: It was a dark and stormy evening after a long day and Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society president Merrilee Prior (PROWLS) was looking… Read More »PROWLS frees northern flicker from park washroom
Usually it is Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society (PROWLS) calling Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society (OWL) in Delta for assistance, but this time it was the… Read More »PROWLS frees birds trapped by chimneys