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Eurasian collared dove recovers at PROWLS while mate patiently waits

Eurasian collared dove

MATES FOR LIFE: Attacked by crows and suffering large wounds on its head, neck and back, this Eurasian collared dove’s mournful cry recalls a former life in Greek mythology as a servant girl who was transformed into a dove by the gods to escape her unhappy treatment.

It was picked up by a walker who made his way to Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society. The dove’s mate followed along with them.

After receiving a 10-day course of antibiotics, the wounds began to heal and it was moved to the front porch for more space and to adapt to cooler outdoor temperatures.

From there it could see and call to its mate to come closer. After another 10 days it was moved to an outdoor flight cage and was keen to escape.

But after six days, when it was strong enough to fly and the escape flap was opened, it could not recognize the pathway to freedom.

Only after a towhee flew in for some seed and then flew out again did the dove understand and recognize the easy exit to join its mate.

Doves mate for life; it was a happy reunion.