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Swan recovers at PROWLS after enduring storm gusts

Trumpeter swan

This young trumpeter swan would have hatched in the Arctic during the summer of 2017, then migrated to Powell River to spend the winter.

This photo reveals its legendary white feathers just coming in.

Within the first year of its life, it will emerge from “ugly duckling” brown to a fully white majestic swan.

This youngster was discovered by a mother and son on Padgett Road in late February.

It had been battered and blown around in storm gusts and was clearly disoriented.

They directed traffic around the bird after calling Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society.

When the swan saw four people with nets and blankets approaching, it used its last reserves to sprint 200 metres up a driveway, where it hit a thick wall of brush much too dense for such a large bird to escape into.

It was sunny and mild the next day so it was released at Myrtle Point Golf Club, where a flock of approximately 12 trumpeter swans spend winter.

Employees kept a close eye on the young swan they named Ruth and reported near the end of the week that she appeared to be well recovered from her traumatic experience.

Although still limping, Ruth was well integrated back into her small flock.