This tiny member of the Goshawk family was spotted running across a driveway south of Powell River.
A homeowner took chase and managed to scoop it up, then alert Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society.
Diagnosed with a broken wing, the sharp-shinned hawk was wrapped four times before it would stop pulling off the wrapping.
The next day it was put on a flight to OWL (Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society) in Delta.
Because sharp-shinned hawks are small and elusive, and because they favour dense coniferous habitats, it has been difficult for scientists to determine their conservation status.
That said, when they are raising their young, they usually seek nestling and fledgling songbirds, and can rely on baby robins as a steady diet because robins nest so frequently.
Sharp-shinned hawks are brilliant flyers, as their bodies are capable of almost hugging the ground in rapid flight while they use their tails as rudders to navigate sharp turns in dense shrubbery.