DROOPY WRIST: This wounded northwestern crow was found with a broken wing in a yard near Grief Point Park. An x-ray at Westview Veterinary Hospital showed it had been shot in flight, shattering the wing bones at the wrist.
It was uncertain whether it would be able to fly again, but the decision to give it time was undisputed. When its wing was unwrapped after 12 days, the crow was moved into a larger kennel at PROWLS. It was delighted to finally extend its wing again.
Next it moved into an outdoor flight cage and worked hard to improve and start flying. The final step was the large flight cage with other birds, including another young crow. Its flight was low as it was unable to gain height at first, but with more practice, improvement was steady.
The wing has remained slightly droopy at the wrist. Finally, it was tested in the large flight cage, and it went high and far, which was a success. Because of the droop, we will be able to recognize the crow as it now flies free.
The flight style of crows is unique: a patient, methodical flapping that is rarely broken up with glides.
The two crows were released together, as they were rescued less than four blocks from each other. Living in large family groupings that range over a large area, the two would have a lot in common and be a support to each other as they reintegrated into their flock.