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Stillwater area resident contacts PROWLS after finding eaglet


PREHISTORIC  MYSTERY: A five-pound grey blob was noticed on the beach at Stillwater recently. Unable to stand, it rolled about, sometimes onto its belly and then, briefly, used its tiny stubby wings for balance.

Looking very prehistoric, it was a hungry two-week-old eaglet with eyes barely open. A wound on the back of its neck indicated it had possibly been lifted out of its nest and dropped on the beach.

Rescued by a resident walking her dogs, Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society went out and picked it up.

Back at the facility in Townsite, it was fed a few morsels of venison before boarding the next Pacific Coastal flight to Vancouver. There it was picked up by volunteers who took it to Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society (OWL) in Delta, where a new eagle foster mom was in training and ready to raise him as her own, teaching him to be an eagle.

Part of her preparation process is to create a brood patch by plucking the feathers from an area on her chest so the nestling can receive the warmth of her body. Male eagles will also create a brood patch if motivated by need.

Last report from OWL was that things were going well.

Life in the nest, lasting up to three months, is a risky affair as the nestlings grow and even crowd each other out. This is a great incentive to learn to fly and hunt on their own.